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Furwear – Trimming – Nail Clipper – Large

Furwear – Trimming – Nail Clipper – Large

Regular price $15.75 AUD
Regular price Sale price $15.75 AUD
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These nail clippers are suitable for medium to large dogs. Nail clipping is sometimes overlooked, but you should be trimming your dog’s nails every 3-4 weeks to minimise sore paws, legs and hips. Easy to use, they have a cutting guard as an added safety feature to prevent any overcutting and create more controlled trimming.

1. Hold your dog’s paw and softly squeeze their paw pad to spread their digits to make trimming easier. Inspect each nail individually before trimming.

2. Begin trimming the nail at a 45 degree angle, taking off a small fraction of the nail at a time.

3. While trimming the nail be careful not to cut too deeply into the quick. If you see a small black dot in the centre of the nail, stop trimming. This is the quick, and cutting it will expose the blood vessel and result in bleeding and pain.
Remember not to squeeze your dog’s paw too hard because that can hurt them. Keep your dog calm throughout the process with positive reinforcement, even rewarding them with treats.

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